Research and Publications

This material  spans the role of learning and action amongst Civil Society Organisations and their networks. It addresses wider issues of power, powerlessness, transformation and resilience.

Recent Work

‘Civil Society Organisations in Disaster Risk Reduction’ Chapter in Volume 3 of Reducing Risks: A Reference on Preventing and Mitigating Disasters and Dangers edited by Ilan Kelman to be published by World Scientific Publishing. In press.

“Post-disaster research: challenges and opportunities conversation on disasters: deconstructed on 11th of June 2021”, Beaven, S.Benouar, D.Bhatt, M.Gibson, T. and Peek, L. (2023)  Disaster Prevention and Management, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print.

‘Myths of preparedness’, reflecting on whether lessons have been learnt from the pandemic. 2022. Access it here

‘Turning the World Upside Down’ report of a collaborative consultation with local level CSOs on challenges and action during the COVID-19 pandemic. 2021. Access it here

‘Civil Society Organisations Responding to COVID-19: A critical role and how to support it‘. A participative consultation programme. 2021. find out more here

‘Dealing With Disasters’ Capacity Building Toolkit for National Civil Society Organisation Platforms. Produced for Forus in collaboration with John Norton and Lucy Figeroa.  2020. see the microsite here

Pathways to Power podcast series. Talking with local level practitioners and others about the potential of local action and learning . 2020  Pathways to Power

‘Making Aid Agencies Work: Reconnecting INGOs with the People They Serve’.  Emerald Publishing. 2019 (30% Pre-order discount with code INGO)

‘Coherence Cookbook’. Guidance and case studies for integrated local action, researched and written for GNDR. 2019.  Coherence Cookbook

‘Disaster prevention – Doing it differently by rethinking the nature of knowledge and learning’ Special issue of International Journal of Disaster Prevention and Management Vol 28 issue 1. 2019

‘NGOs in Natural Hazard Governance: A Global Overview’ Oxford Research Encyclopaedia chapter. 2019. Access here

‘Lets talk about you’ Paper exploring the principles of and findings from the Frontline programme for International Journal of Disaster Prevention and Management. 2016

‘The role of Civil Society Organisations in understanding Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation’: Chapter for Routledge Handbook of Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation.  2016. Access here

Earlier Publications

Resources for Civil Society workshop

The intended and unintended effects of participatory consultation and monitoring: ISCRAMM, Seattle, (May 2010)

How learning results from action in an international network: an early study of this process at the Global Network for Disaster Reduction: ‘Humanitarian Exchange’ (2011)

‘Horizontal Learning and Social Media in an International Development Network’ Doctoral Thesis (2011)

‘Using ICTs to Integrate Frontline Views into Strategic Planning for Climate Change’ NICCD Case studies (2012)

A role for networks in international development: ‘Jamba’ 2012

The Global Network’s experience of power and powerlessness: Paper for Development Studies Association Conference (September 2012)

Building community led resilience: for Civicus State of Civil Society report (2013)

Pathways of transformation:
 disaster risk management to enhance development goals (Gibson and Pelling) for UNISDR Global Assessment Review (2014)

Reflective practitioners: The importance of critical thought for change agents: ‘Jamba’ (2015)

‘Frontline’ Outline for UN Global Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction, Sendai, Japan (March 2015)

Pathways for Transformation: Disaster Risk Management to Enhance Resilience to Extreme Events (adapted from UNISDR paper above) Journal of Extreme Events. 2016

Other Resources

‘Campaigning for International Justice’ Brendan Cox 2011 Download