I’m pleased, and relieved(!) to have finally published my book ‘Disaster Makers’ with Bloomsbury. Find out more on the Disaster Makers page
Disasters don’t ‘just happen’ – they’re made. In a world where we talk about ’natural disasters’, it’s easy to miss that many disasters are caused, or made worse, by human activity – by the economics, policies and development that shape our world. Their increasing effects, leading to our whole world becoming hotter, poorer, unhealthier and more dangerous, result from the escalating creation of risk through unmanaged exploitation of our planet and its people. I call those whose who lie behind this growing risk the ‘disaster makers’.
I strongly believe that it’s possible, instead of things getting worse, to make them better, as I explain in my book. It’s based on decades of on-the-ground experience backed up by academic research in disaster studies and it’s written to be accessible, engaging . . . and challenging! You can view a preview here
Terry Gibson
You can find out more about my other projects in ‘ideas and stuff.’
(Beyond my professional work I also make music . . .)